For Jason Lindsey, Expressing His Thanks Is Everything
Jason Lindsey went through a traumatic experience as a first-time father, where others showed him empathy and compassion, and it made all the difference. He tells us he couldn’t thank them enough and that he was forever marked by that experience, shaping how he works and lives. Recently, Jason shared his experience traversing numerous states, on multiple projects, all with creativity and safety in mind. His road trip now includes eight jobs in seven states! He recognizes he didn’t embark on this endeavor alone — Jason had a large local crew at each of these locations too. Here is Jason’s thank you to his multi-crew family, relating his appreciation and gratitude.
Dear Crew Fam,
Our journey through these COVID-filled projects presented unexpected challenges. You made it through, despite having to be present, remembering to wash up, mask up, and clean up. I am so thankful for you for continuing to step up and keep safety top of mind. The bright side is that each of us can now add “professional social distancer” to our resumes. I am grateful we kept humor in the mix and took care of one another too, it's what makes us family — something I do not take lightly. Journey on!
You too can spread the message of safety by downloading these GIFs to share on social media. Click here for download.
P.S. See below for some lyrical entertainment
Ode to the Crew We had projects scheduled, then COVID arrived, Social distancing and masks on each shoot, The work — still creative — never contrived. Health and safety were absolute. From staging, makeup, and eye-catching looks, To cow-wrangling hours on end, Creativity and solutions were the order of the day. Remote shoots and zooming will go down in the books, With air hugs arising as the latest trend, I guess what I am trying to say, Thanks for always being there, For getting the job done, Anticipating needs before I am aware. As a team, you are quite the phenomenon.
Follow Jason on Instagram for more imagery, doing what it takes to get the job done.